Ultimate Guide to B2B Demand Generation in 2024

What is B2B Demand Generation?

Demand generation in B2B marketing is about sparking interest and enthusiasm for your product or service in the business world. It’s like planting a seed in potential customers’ minds, nurturing it with education and awareness, and eventually watching it blossom into a desire to buy what you offer.

Here are some key things to know about B2B demand generation:

Focus: Unlike lead generation, which aims to capture contact information, demand generation prioritizes building brand awareness, educating potential customers, and nurturing long-term relationships. It’s more about planting the seeds of interest early on, even if they’re not ready to buy just yet.

Stages: Demand generation works across the entire customer journey, from creating initial awareness to guiding informed purchase decisions. It starts by getting in front of potential customers, then educating them about their problems and how your product/service can solve them, and finally, nurturing their interest until they’re ready to engage with your sales team.

Tactics: A wide range of marketing initiatives can be used for demand generation, including:

  • Content marketing: Creating valuable content like blog posts, ebooks, webinars, and infographics that educate and inform potential customers.
  • Social media marketing: Engaging with your target audience on relevant platforms and building brand awareness.
  • Public relations: Getting your company and its expertise featured in the media.
  • Events and webinars: Hosting workshops, conferences, and online events to connect with potential customers and showcase your solutions.
  • Influencer marketing: Partnering with industry experts and thought leaders to reach a wider audience.
  • Search engine optimization (SEO): Making sure your website ranks high in search engine results for relevant keywords.

Benefits: Effective demand generation can lead to:

  • Increased brand awareness: Potential customers become familiar with your company and what you offer.
  • Higher quality leads: By educating potential customers, you attract those who are genuinely interested in your product/service, leading to more qualified leads for your sales team.
  • Shorter sales cycles: When potential customers are already familiar with your solutions, the sales process becomes smoother and faster.
  • Stronger customer relationships: By building trust and providing value early on, you foster deeper relationships with potential customers.

Here’s how demand generation differs from lead generation:

  • Focus: Demand generation is broader, aiming for overall awareness and interest. Lead generation focuses specifically on capturing contact information.
  • Content: Demand generation uses ungated content like blog posts and videos to educate. Lead generation often uses gated content like white papers or demos to collect leads.
  • Stage in the funnel: Demand generation sits at the top, building awareness and interest. Lead generation happens further down the funnel, with qualified leads ready to be nurtured by sales.

Overall, B2B demand generation is a strategic approach to building sustainable growth for your business by attracting and engaging potential customers before they’re even ready to buy. By investing in valuable content, nurturing relationships, and staying top-of-mind, you can set the stage for future sales success.

Why is B2B Demand Generation Important?

B2B demand generation is crucial for several reasons, impacting both short-term and long-term success. Here are some key points highlighting its importance:

1. Fills your sales pipeline with qualified leads: A steady stream of potential customers is vital for any business. Demand generation attracts individuals actively looking for solutions like yours, making them more receptive to sales efforts. You’re not chasing cold leads, but nurturing pre-interested prospects, leading to better conversion rates and increased sales.

2. Saves time and resources: Cold calling and traditional outreach methods can be expensive and time-consuming. Effective demand generation attracts prospects organically through valuable content and engagement, saving your sales team precious time and resources that can be focused on qualifying and converting warmer leads.

3. Builds brand awareness and thought leadership: By consistently providing valuable information and insights through content marketing, webinars, and social media engagement, you position yourself as a trusted source in your industry. This increases brand awareness and establishes your company as a thought leader, attracting even more potential customers to your offerings.

4. Shortens sales cycles: Educated customers make faster buying decisions. Demand generation provides potential customers with the information they need to understand your solutions and their value proposition. This reduces the time it takes them to move through the sales cycle, leading to quicker conversions and revenue generation.

5. Fosters stronger customer relationships: By nurturing leads with valuable content and support throughout their buying journey, you build trust and loyalty. This translates into stronger customer relationships that are more likely to last, potentially leading to repeat business and referrals.

6. Adapts to evolving markets: B2B demand generation practices are highly flexible and can be adapted to changing market dynamics. By utilizing data and analytics to track campaign performance and customer behavior, you can continuously refine your strategies to stay ahead of the curve and reach your target audience effectively.

7. Creates sustainable growth: Effective demand generation creates a consistent flow of qualified leads, ultimately driving sales and revenue growth. This growth is sustainable as it’s fueled by attracting and nurturing genuine interest in your offerings, ensuring a healthy pipeline for the future.

In conclusion, B2B demand generation is not just a marketing tactic; it’s a strategic approach to building brand awareness, attracting qualified leads, and fostering long-term customer relationships. By investing in a well-developed demand generation strategy, you set your B2B business up for sustainable success in the competitive market.

What is a B2B Demand Generation Strategy?

A B2B demand generation strategy is a comprehensive plan that aims to create awareness and interest in your product or service among potential business customers. It’s about nurturing leads from the top of the sales funnel through valuable content, education, and engagement, ultimately leading to qualified leads for your sales team to convert.

Here are the key elements of a successful demand generation strategy:

1. Understanding your target audience:

  • Clearly define your ideal customer persona, including their pain points, needs, and buying behaviors.
  • Research their preferred content formats, channels, and online communities.

2. Building brand awareness and thought leadership:

  • Create valuable, informative, and engaging content that educates your audience about their challenges and how your solution can help.
  • Utilize diverse content formats like blog posts, white papers, ebooks, webinars, and social media posts.
  • Participate in industry events, conferences, and online forums.
  • Contribute guest articles to relevant publications and websites.
  • Share insights and expertise through social media and thought leadership content.

3. Nurturing leads through the buyer journey:

  • Implement lead magnets and gated content to capture email addresses and further qualify leads.
  • Develop email marketing campaigns that provide valuable content and guide leads towards a purchase decision.
  • Utilize marketing automation tools to personalize your communication and engagement with leads.
  • Implement lead scoring to prioritize the most promising leads for sales teams.

4. Leveraging data and analytics:

  • Track key metrics like website traffic, lead generation, and conversion rates to measure the success of your campaigns.
  • Utilize data to refine your targeting, personalize your content, and optimize your strategy for better results.

5. Adapting to evolving trends and technologies:

  • Stay up-to-date with the latest marketing trends and technologies in your industry.
  • Experiment with new channels and content formats to reach a wider audience.
  • Continuously test and refine your strategy based on data and insights.

Remember, a successful demand generation strategy is a long-term commitment. It requires consistent effort, data-driven insights, and continuous optimization. By focusing on these elements and adapting to your specific industry and needs, you can build a strong demand generation engine that drives sustainable growth for your business.

What is a B2B Demand Generation Example?

Here are some creative and effective B2B demand generation campaigns that you can draw inspiration from:

1. Content Marketing Marathon:

  • Company: Marketo (marketing automation platform)
  • Campaign: They launched a 30-day content marketing marathon, publishing daily blog posts, infographics, and videos on a specific theme.
  • Results: Generated over 10,000 leads and increased website traffic by 30%.

2. Interactive Industry Report:

  • Company: HubSpot (CRM platform)
  • Campaign: They created an interactive report on the state of the marketing industry, allowing users to filter data and generate personalized insights.
  • Results: Generated over 50,000 downloads and helped to establish HubSpot as a thought leader in the industry.

3. Gamified Webinar Series:

  • Company: Unbounce (landing page builder)
  • Campaign: They hosted a series of webinars with a game-show format, offering prizes to attendees who answered questions correctly.
  • Results: Increased webinar attendance by 50% and generated a high number of qualified leads.

4. Influencer Marketing Partnership:

  • Company: Drift (conversational marketing platform)
  • Campaign: They partnered with a well-known industry influencer to create a co-branded ebook and webinar.
  • Results: Generated over 10,000 downloads of the ebook and increased brand awareness among the influencer’s audience.

5. Account-Based Marketing (ABM) Playbook:

  • Company: Terminus (account-based marketing platform)
  • Campaign: They created a free downloadable playbook on how to implement a successful ABM strategy.
  • Results: Generated over 20,000 downloads and helped to position Terminus as a leader in the ABM space.

Bonus Tip: Remember, the key to a successful B2B demand generation campaign is to create valuable content that resonates with your target audience and promote it through the right channels. By following these examples and tailoring them to your own business, you can attract more leads and grow your business.

What is the Best B2B Demand Generation Strategy?

Determining the “best” demand generation strategy in B2B depends heavily on your specific industry, target audience, and business goals. However, there are some consistently effective tactics that work across different contexts, which I can categorize for you:

1. Content Marketing:

  • High-quality content: Create valuable, informative, and engaging content in various formats (blog posts, white papers, ebooks, infographics, webinars) addressing your audience’s pain points and showcasing your expertise.
  • SEO optimization: Ensure your content ranks well in search engine results pages for relevant keywords to increase organic reach.
  • Content syndication: Share your content on relevant websites, social media platforms, and industry publications to reach a wider audience.
  • Interactive content: Utilize quizzes, calculators, and assessments to capture leads and provide personalized value.

2. Social Media Engagement:

  • Active presence: Regularly share valuable content, participate in conversations, and engage with your target audience on relevant platforms like LinkedIn and Twitter.
  • Targeted ads: Utilize social media advertising platforms to reach a specific audience based on demographics, interests, and online behavior.
  • Employee advocacy: Encourage your employees to share company content and engage with prospects on social media.
  • Social listening: Monitor relevant industry conversations and hashtags to identify potential leads and understand audience sentiment.

3. Email Marketing:

  • Segmented lists: Divide your leads into different segments based on their interests, buying stage, and other relevant factors for personalized email campaigns.
  • Lead nurturing sequences: Develop automated email sequences that educate leads about your offerings and guide them towards a purchase decision.
  • Triggered emails: Send personalized emails based on specific actions leads take on your website or other channels.
  • Strong CTAs: Include clear and compelling calls to action in your emails to encourage engagement and conversion.

4. Thought Leadership:

  • Industry events and conferences: Participate in relevant industry events and conferences to share your expertise, network with potential customers, and build brand awareness.
  • Guest blogging and articles: Contribute guest articles to industry publications and websites to reach a wider audience and establish yourself as a thought leader.
  • Webinars and podcasts: Host online events and podcasts to share insights and engage with potential customers in an interactive format.
  • Building relationships with influencers: Collaborate with industry influencers to leverage their reach and credibility to amplify your message.

5. Account-Based Marketing (ABM):

  • Identify key accounts: Focus your efforts on high-value, potential customers with a significant impact on your revenue.
  • Personalized campaigns: Develop targeted campaigns tailored to the specific needs and challenges of each key account.
  • Multi-channel approach: Utilize various channels like email, social media, direct mail, and events to reach key decision-makers within target accounts.
  • Relationship building: Focus on building personal relationships with key contacts within target accounts.


  • Data-driven approach: Track key metrics to measure the success of your campaigns and continuously optimize your strategy based on data and insights.
  • Experimentation and adaptation: Be willing to test new tactics and channels, and adapt your strategy based on what works best for your audience and business goals.
  • Long-term commitment: Building a successful demand generation engine takes time and consistent effort. Don’t expect overnight results, but focus on continuous improvement and learning from your data.

By implementing these best practices and tailoring them to your specific context, you can develop a winning B2B demand generation strategy that attracts qualified leads, builds brand awareness, and drives sustainable growth for your business.

What is B2B Demand Generation vs Lead Generation?

Both B2B demand generation and lead generation are crucial aspects of B2B marketing, but they have distinct roles in the customer journey:

B2B Demand Generation:

  • Focus: Creates broad awareness and interest in your brand, products, or services.
  • Activities: Content marketing, SEO, social media, industry events, thought leadership, brand building.
  • Stage: Top of the funnel (Awareness & Interest).
  • Metrics: Website traffic, brand mentions, social media engagement, leads generated.
  • Goal: Position your company as a trusted resource and solution provider.

B2B Lead Generation:

  • Focus: Captures the specific contact information of potential customers who are already interested in your offerings.
  • Activities: Website forms, gated content downloads, email list signups, free trials, demos, webinars.
  • Stage: Middle of the funnel (Desire & Consideration).
  • Metrics: Leads captured, lead conversion rate, qualified leads passed to sales.
  • Goal: Convert interested prospects into qualified leads for sales to follow up with.

Key Differences:

  • Scope: Demand generation is broader, while lead generation is more targeted.
  • Objective: Demand generation focuses on awareness and trust, while lead generation focuses on capturing contact information.
  • Stage: Demand generation comes earlier in the customer journey, while lead generation comes later.
  • Metrics: Different metrics are tracked for each.


  • These two functions work together: Demand generation creates a pool of potential customers, while lead generation helps convert those potential customers into leads for sales.
  • They are not mutually exclusive; a successful B2B marketing strategy will incorporate both.

In short:

  • Demand generation: Plant the seeds.
  • Lead generation: Harvest the fruits.

Remember, both demand generation and lead generation are essential for attracting and converting customers in the B2B space. By understanding their differences and their complementary roles, you can develop a comprehensive marketing strategy that drives results.

Best B2B Demand Generation Agencies

AgencyB2B ExpertiseServicesPrice RangePopularityWebsite
First Page SageThought leadership, SEOContent marketing, SEO, ABM, inbound marketingMid-range to highHighhttps://firstpagesage.com/seo-blog/
Demand Works MediaABM, email marketingABM strategy, email marketing, content creation, paid mediaHighModeratehttps://www.dwmedia.com/
The ABM AgencyOmnichannel ABMABM strategy & execution, account-based content, personalization, marketing automationHighModeratehttps://www.linkedin.com/company/abmagency
PineLeadsHong Kong & Singapore B2BLead generation, social media marketing, email marketing, content creationMid-rangeModeratehttps://www.cplleads.com/contact/
GrippedSaaS & Tech B2BMarketing strategy, content marketing, SEO, paid media, martechMid-range to highHighhttps://gripped.io/
UnboundB2BRelationship-focused B2BContent syndication, ABM, lead generation, account researchMid-range to highModeratehttps://www.unboundb2b.com/
DemandZENABM & B2B tech/servicesABM strategy, cold calling, email outreach, social media prospectingMid-range to highModeratehttps://demandzen.com/
SalesHiveOutbound lead generationCold calling, cold email, LinkedIn outreach, direct mailMid-rangeModeratehttps://saleshive.com/
SeeResponseBespoke B2B strategiesMulti-channel lead generation, marketing automation, inbound & outbound strategiesMid-range to highModeratehttps://seeresponse.com/
Pearl Lemon LeadsHigh-quality B2B leadsLead generation, content marketing, email nurturing, social media marketingMid-range to highModeratehttps://pearllemonleadsusa.com/

Additional Notes:

  • This list is not exhaustive and focuses on agencies with a strong B2B demand generation focus.
  • Price range is a general estimate based on publicly available information and may vary depending on project scope and specific services needed.
  • Popularity is based on industry recognition, awards, and customer reviews, but may not reflect a perfect fit for your individual needs.
  • I recommend researching each agency’s portfolio, case studies, and client testimonials to understand their specific approach and suitability for your B2B business.

What is a B2B Demand Generation Framework?

A B2B demand generation framework is a structured approach for planning, executing, and measuring your B2B demand generation efforts. It provides a blueprint for attracting, nurturing, and converting potential customers into paying clients.

Here are the key components of a B2B demand generation framework:

1. Define your goals and objectives:

  • What do you want to achieve through your demand generation efforts? Are you looking to increase brand awareness, generate leads, drive sales, or a combination of these?
  • Set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals to track your progress.

2. Understand your target audience:

  • Who are you trying to reach with your campaigns? Develop detailed buyer personas that outline their demographics, pain points, goals, and decision-making processes.
  • Research their preferred channels and content types to ensure your message reaches them effectively.

3. Develop a content strategy:

  • Create high-quality content that resonates with your target audience and addresses their pain points.
  • Utilize a variety of content formats, such as blog posts, infographics, white papers, ebooks, webinars, and podcasts.
  • Optimize your content for search engines to ensure your target audience can find it easily.

4. Choose the right channels:

  • Identify the channels where your target audience spends their time. This could include social media, email, industry websites, trade shows, and networking events.
  • Utilize a mix of online and offline channels to reach a wider audience and maximize your impact.

5. Launch and execute your campaigns:

  • Develop specific campaigns for each of your target audience segments and chosen channels.
  • Promote your content and campaigns through paid advertising, organic social media, email marketing, and other channels.
  • Track and measure the performance of your campaigns and make adjustments as needed.

6. Nurture leads and convert them into customers:

  • Once you’ve attracted leads, keep them engaged with personalized content, offers, and communication.
  • Use email marketing automation to send relevant messages at the right time and move leads through your sales funnel.
  • Score and qualify leads to identify those who are ready for sales and hand them off to your sales team.

7. Analyze and optimize:

  • Regularly track the performance of your demand generation efforts using key metrics like website traffic, lead generation, and conversion rates.
  • Analyze your data to identify what’s working and what’s not, and make adjustments to your strategy accordingly.
  • Be prepared to experiment and try new tactics to constantly improve your results.

Benefits of using a B2B demand generation framework:

  • Provides a clear roadmap for achieving your goals.
  • Helps you focus on the right activities and target the right audience.
  • Makes your demand generation efforts more efficient and effective.
  • Allows you to track and measure your progress and make data-driven decisions.

Examples of B2B demand generation frameworks:

By implementing a B2B demand generation framework, you can streamline your efforts, attract more qualified leads, and ultimately grow your business.

Remember, the best framework is one that is customized to your specific needs and goals. Don’t be afraid to adapt and adjust it as you learn and grow.

What is a B2B Demand Generation Funnel?

A B2B demand generation funnel is a visual representation of the stages that potential customers typically go through before becoming paying clients for your business. It’s similar to a marketing or sales funnel, but with a key difference: the focus is on educating and nurturing leads at scale, rather than directly pushing for sales.

Here’s how the B2B demand generation funnel typically works:

1. Awareness:

  • At the top of the funnel is the awareness stage, where potential customers become aware of your brand and its offerings. This can happen through various channels, such as content marketing, social media, advertising, or industry events.

2. Interest:

  • Once potential customers are aware of your brand, they may move into the interest stage, where they start to learn more about your products or services. This could involve reading blog posts, watching webinars, downloading white papers, or attending demos.

3. Desire:

  • In the desire stage, potential customers begin to understand how your offerings can solve their problems or address their needs. They may start comparing your solutions to those of your competitors.

4. Consideration:

  • The consideration stage is where potential customers are seriously evaluating your product or service as a potential solution. They may request quotes, contact your sales team, or participate in trial offers.

5. Decision:

  • Finally, at the bottom of the funnel is the decision stage, where potential customers make the final decision of whether or not to purchase from you. This stage is often influenced by factors such as price, features, reviews, and trust in your brand.

Key Takeaways:

  • The B2B demand generation funnel is a helpful tool for understanding how potential customers move through the buying journey.
  • By focusing on creating valuable content and nurturing leads at each stage of the funnel, you can increase your chances of converting them into paying customers.
  • The funnel is not always linear, and potential customers may move back and forth between stages at different times.
  • It’s important to track your progress at each stage of the funnel and make adjustments to your strategy as needed.

Additional Tips:

  • Tailor your content and messaging to each stage of the funnel.
  • Use lead scoring and qualification to identify the most promising leads.
  • Nurture leads with personalized email marketing campaigns.
  • Track your results and make data-driven decisions.

By following these tips, you can use the B2B demand generation funnel to attract more qualified leads and grow your business.

What are the B2B Demand Generation Trends in 2024?

Predicting the future is always tricky, but based on current trends and ongoing challenges, here’s what B2B demand generation is likely to look like in 2024:

Continued Focus on Personalization and Data:

  • Hyper-personalization across the entire buyer journey: Using AI and advanced analytics, Content, offers, and communication will be dynamically tailored to individual needs and preferences.
  • First-party data as the key to audience targeting: With third-party cookies fading away, building and leveraging first-party data through surveys, website interactions, and CRM integrations will become even more crucial.
  • Predictive analytics to identify high-potential leads: Utilizing data to anticipate customer needs and behaviour will help prioritize marketing efforts and focus on the most promising prospects.

Evolving Tactics and Channels:

  • The rise of micro-communities: Building smaller, engaged communities around specific niche interests or industries will foster deeper connections and drive targeted lead generation.
  • Short-form video content takes center stage: Platforms like TikTok and Instagram Reels will play a more prominent role in B2B marketing, as attention spans shorten and mobile consumption increases.
  • Interactive content experiences: Gamification, quizzes, and personalized assessments will engage audiences and capture valuable data for qualification.
  • Voice search optimization: As voice assistants become more popular, optimizing content for voice search will be crucial for reaching prospects at the earliest stages of their buying journey.

Prioritizing Efficiency and ROI:

  • Focus on measurable results: With tighter budgets, every marketing dollar will need to be accountable. Tracking campaign performance and proving ROI will be essential for securing continued investment.
  • Automation and integration: Marketing automation tools and seamless integrations between marketing and sales platforms will streamline processes and maximize efficiency.
  • Partnerships and co-marketing: Collaboration with complementary businesses will expand reach, access new audiences, and share resources for mutual benefit.

Overall, B2B demand generation in 2024 will be characterized by continued personalization, data-driven insights, and innovative content formats. Efficiency and ROI will be top priorities, with an emphasis on measurable results and strategic partnerships. By adapting to these trends and staying ahead of the curve, B2B marketers can thrive in the evolving landscape and achieve sustainable growth.

Remember, this is just a glimpse into the potential future of B2B demand generation. The specifics will undoubtedly evolve throughout the year, and any unforeseen events can impact the landscape. However, understanding these key trends will help you prepare and adjust your strategies for continued success in 2024 and beyond.